Lord, point out my immaturities

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Verse of the Day

And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.  Ephesians 4:26-27 (NLT)


Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You that You are with me. Help me today to be keenly aware of Your presence. Guide me, direct me and make me conscious that You are always at my side. Lord,  thank You for Your Word which causes my faith to grow. I open my heart to You and invite You to have Your way in my life. Show me Your goodness and faithfulness as I put my trust in You. Father, thank You for choosing to bless me. Thank You for opening the windows of heaven in my life. I choose to be obedient to Your Word. I choose to be a giver. I choose to be faithful and thank You for Your faithfulness to me .

Give me the wisdom and strength to plant good seeds with my family and friends so that they may see Christ through me. Help me to teach my family to become mature believers and to use good judgment in the decisions they make. Lord, point out my immaturities. I want to grow in You. I want to be all that You want me to be. So please, show me where I need to grow and mature and then show me how.  Turn my darkness into light, O Lord, and guide me away from things that are sinful and wrong. Teach me to love my neighbors rather than judge them. Let me cast love and peace, instead of stones.

Thank you, Lord, for choosing to encounter us, to engage with us in a deeply personal way. Yes, sometimes it seems as if we are wrestling with you. Yet you do not defeat or destroy us. You let us hang on. In reality, you hang on to us as well. O Lord, today I am bold to ask that you bless me. Bless me most of all with the inestimably valuable gift of a genuine, intimate relationship with you. We ask this in the matchless name of Jesus Christ so that He be glorified through us, Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

None of God’s promises in the Bible ever fail.

“…not one word has failed of all the good things that the LORD your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one of them has failed.” Joshua 23:14, ESV

Prayer Quote of the day

To every toiling, heavy-laden sinner, Jesus says, Come to me and rest. But there are many toiling, heavy-laden believers, too. For them this same invitation is meant. Note well the words of Jesus, if you are heavy-laden with your service, and do not mistake it. It is not, Go, labor on, as perhaps you imagine. On the contrary, it is stop, turn back, Come to me and rest. Never, never did Christ send a heavy laden one to work; never, never did He send a hungry one, a weary one, a sick or sorrowing one, away on any service. For such the Bible only says, Come, come, come.

Author: Hudson Taylor

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