Thank You for Your power and majesty

What must I do to be Saved ? - Christian Channel Apps : Apps for Daily Devotional, Verses, Bible reading, Quotes : Best rated Christian Books

Verse of the Day

Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.”  Psalms 127:1 (NLT)


Dearest loving Father in heaven, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. Thank You for completing what You’ve started in my life. Today I choose to put my trust and hope in You, knowing that You are working behind the scenes to bring victory. Thank You for Your Word which is life and healing water to my soul. I choose to set my heart and thoughts on You, knowing that You are empowering me to overcome in every area of my life. Lord, I know You have my best in mind and in Your plans. Thank You for placing a dream in my heart and for giving me people to help lead me towards that dream. Thank You for Your great mercy and grace. I pray that my relationships will honor You. With Your help, I want to step out and act on my faith so that I may see Your great works.

Loving Father, thank You for Your love for me. Thank You for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that has made it possible for me to come boldly to You. I come into Your presence to receive afresh Your love and grace. Thank You for Your power and majesty. Thank You for Your love for me. Today I choose to put all my hope, trust and faith in You. Lord, I give you thanks for the way that you use everything in my life to change me. I thank you that in small but significant ways I am more like you today than when I first started walking with you. But, Lord, I pray that you will enable me to have the courage to keep pressing on, to keep straining toward what you have for me, what you want from me, what you demand of me. Help me to understand what it means to be perfect in You. Give me the discipline to strive daily for this perfection in my life. Help me to lead by example my family to put their total trust in You and to work toward serving You in perfection.

Lord, be with me this day. Search my life, and help me to correct the wrong things that I do. Keep me walking in the light, and prevent me from straying into darkness. Lord, when I am fearful grant me courage; when I am proud, give me the gift of humility. When I think I am an expert, make me a true learner, a true disciple. Help me find more and more inspiration in the transformation that you have in store for me, as I follow and learn from you. Lord Jesus You are worthy of all my praise and worship. Today take my life as a living sacrifice and help me live for you.  Help and guide me to be strong in Your mighty power as I pray, meditate and follow Your lead.   I ask this in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I am delighted to give you My kingdom. God Promises We Will Share In His Kingdom

Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32)

Prayer Quote of the day

The Christian on his knees sees more than the philosopher on tiptoe. God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves.

Author: D.L. Moody

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What must I do to be Saved ? - Christian Channel Apps : Apps for Daily Devotional, Verses, Bible reading, Quotes : Best rated Christian Books

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