Help me to stay focused on meeting the needs of others.

What must I do to be Saved ? - Christian Channel Apps : Apps for Daily Devotional, Verses, Bible reading, Quotes : Best rated Christian Books

Verse of the Day

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8


Dearest Loving Father, help me today to see myself the way You see me. Help me to see myself as a living, breathing soul that You love and have created. Forgive me for seeking all the world has to offer. Help me find my true significance in You. Lord, help me to live with an eternal perspective. Help me to stay focused on meeting the needs of others. Let me be Your hands and feet, let me be Your mouthpiece and bring You glory in everything I do.

Help us, Lord, to be servant leaders, to care about the growth and flourishing of those whom we lead and work with, not just their performance. When it’s time for them to move on, give us the grace to support and encourage them. Help us to see beyond our own needs, to care about the needs of those we lead and work with. Nothing I do, Lord, will increase Your love for me, but still I want to do all that I can. Search my heart and know that I do truly love You. Help me to show that love.

As an individual and Family I thank You for all that You have given to us. Help us to never take Your blessings for granted and to always give You the praise and glory for what we have. May myself and my family be a blessing to others and may our words and deeds throughout this day exalt Your name in all that we do.

Father, today I commit to push people up. I choose to speak life and call forth the seeds of greatness within. Thank You for using me to help others fulfill their destiny. By your grace, may this day be filled with gratitude as I take time to offer thanks for all of your gifts, most of all your love revealed and poured out through Jesus Christ.  In Jesus’ name, I Pray, Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

God will save your children.

“For I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children.” Isaiah 49:25, NKJV.

Prayer Quote of the day

Trust perfected is prayer perfected. Trust looks to receive the thing asked for and gets it. Trust is not a belief that God can bless or that He will bless, but that He does bless, here and now. Trust always operates in the present tense. Hope looks toward the future. Trust looks to the present. Hope expects. Trust possesses. Trust receives what prayer acquires. So, what prayer needs, at all times, is abiding and abundant trust.

Author: E.M. Bounds

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What must I do to be Saved ? - Christian Channel Apps : Apps for Daily Devotional, Verses, Bible reading, Quotes : Best rated Christian Books

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