Speak to me, teach me and fill me with Your Spirit

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Verse of the Day

But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.  Psalms 56:3 (NLT)


Dearest loving Father in heaven, I come to You today with thanksgiving in my heart and a mouth full of praise! I bless You because You are worthy! Thank You for redeeming and restoring my life. Thank You for leading me in the way everlasting as I keep my heart and mind on You today. You alone are worthy of my praise. Today I declare that You are good, and Your mercy endures forever! Have Your way in me by the power of Your Holy Spirit. I honor You today and submit every area of my life to You. Lord, thank You for Your refreshing rain on the dry places in my life. Thank You for raining down provision, blessing, hope, wisdom, joy and peace. Give me strength to stand strong in You as Your plan unfolds for my life. Thank You for the blessing and victory You have in store for my future. Thank You for allowing me to see and hear in my heart the good things You have planned. I choose to keep my eyes on You and declare Your blessing over my life

Loving Father, you know my worry about the many choices in life. Help me grow in knowledge and understanding that I may know Your will. But most of all, help me love the way You love. Lord, how I thank You for Your grace and peace in my life. You know and love me Lord and I desire with all my heart to know You better. Speak to me, teach me, fill me with Your Spirit and give me more and more of Your wonderful grace and peace. Help me, dear Lord, to trust you enough to pray with boldness. May I always have the freedom to open my heart to you, no matter what. Help me this day to learn a new sense of loyalty for my family, friends and neighbors. Give us this day, dear Lord the courage to fully trust You who made us. Give me strength to walk down the path that You lead me down today. Lead me every moment in my journey through life.

Lord, I might look pretty good on the outside. But you know my heart very well. You see all that is truly sinful in me. Yet you are willing to have deep fellowship with me, even to invite me to your table. How I thank you for your exceptional grace! Help me, dear Lord, to imitate your example. Keep me from the pretense of not sharing life with people who are negleted. Help me never to think of anyone as worthless or contemptible but instead to see him or her as you see them. Give me boldness to reach out to all with your love and grace, no matter how others might think of me. We ask this in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I have cancelled all your sin and made you alive in Jesus Christ. God Promises We Are Alive in Christ

And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. – (Colossians 2:13-14)

Prayer Quote of the day

We ought to act with God in the greatest simplicity, speak to Him frankly and plainly, and implore His assistance in our affairs.

Brother Lawrence

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