When I feel most lonesome, fill me with Your presence
For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. – Psalm 84:11 (NLT
My heavenly father ,EL SHADDAI ,God Almighty, help me to draw from the wisdom of life, that my soul may grow in knowledge and power. May I have the quiet confidence that comes in trusting thee. May I help others to think on the uplifting things of life.
Thank You heavenly Father, for fulfilling Your promised plan of salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You that I do not have to feel defeated because You are a mighty God who will make me victorious over every evil situation that Satan will use to defeat me. Thank You that nothing can separate me from Your love.
O Savior of men! I am nothing better than common earthenware; but may I be cleansed and purified, and then filled with Thy heavenly treasure. Dip me deep into the water of life, and give refreshment through me to many parched and weary hearts. Lord Jesus, Thou “Rock Of Ages”, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee!
Lord, hear my prayers. Let me know that I am not alone; that You are truly close to me. When I feel most lonesome, fill me with Your presence. Amen.
The soul which has come into intimate contact with God in the silence of the prayer chamber is never out of conscious touch with the Father; the heart is always going out to Him in loving communion, and the moment the mind is released from the task upon which it is engaged, it returns as naturally to God as the bird does to its nest.
Author: E.M. Bounds