Please speak to me and show me your way
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13 (NIV)
My Dearest loving Father, today I acknowledge that You alone are God. You are the highest authority among heaven and earth. Show me Your ways. Show me Your love. Help me to hear Your voice so that I can walk with You in peace and freedom. Thank You for leading and guiding me. I choose to tune in to You. Help me to hear Your voice, to know You and follow You all the days of my life. I know that You want the best for me. Thank You for Your promise of abundant life on this earth. Show me your ways so that I can be a blessing everywhere I go. Thank You for setting me free in Jesus! Thank You for forgiveness. Thank You washing me clean and making me new today. I receive your grace and mercy so that I can be a vessel used by You.
Abba Father, I come to You today knowing that You hear my concerns, that You care for me and I can trust You. Thank You for Your love. I thank you for caring so much about me that you gave up your life for me. Please use Your word to mold me, change me and make me more like You. Cut to my inner thoughts and beliefs. Judge them, correct them and align them with Yours. Thank You for rescuing me from the snare of sin. On my own, I get so tangled in sin, but with You to guide me, I can avoid the traps and remain free for a life of joy and love. Help me, Lord, to know you more truly so that I might trust you more completely and follow you more faithfully. Where I have misunderstood you, point out my errors. Where I have failed to comprehend your majesty, open my eyes to see your glory. May I be continually surprised by you as I come to know who you really are.
Almighty, all wise God. I need your wisdom today. I cannot live in this sinful world without Your wisdom. Thank you for Your promise of wisdom. Lord I come to You now asking for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Please speak to me and show me your way. Help me to get your wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I want it more than riches, fame or success. Lord, help us to honor and respect You in all that we do. Help us to respect those that we meet with today, including our parents and friends, and let our love for You shine through our lives to them. Help us to honor all the people we meet, loving the unlovely that need our love, and then honoring the Lord in all we do and say. Thank you for hearing my prayer. Jesus, I present my prayer in Your precious name before my God, Father in heaven. Amen
I am a very present help for you in times of trouble. God Promises He is our help during trials
God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. – (Psalm 46:1)
Do not have your concert first, and then tune your instrument afterwards. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer, and get first of all into harmony with Him.
Author: Hudson Taylor