Help us to trust you, to rely on you, to be comforted in you
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 (NIV)
Dearest loving Father, thank You for the gift of today. I choose to keep my heart and mind stayed on You. Help me to stand strong against distractions and negative voices so I can hear You clearly and follow Your ways. Lord, Today I confess that I need You. I ask for Your help. I don’t want to try to do it on my own. I know that Your ways are higher. Your ways are better. Lead me and guide me as I daily surrender to You.
Father, You have bid me to come to You. I am coming even now. Like David, I want to be a person after Your own heart. I come today and ask You to cleanse my heart and make it Your home. I want to know You, love You, worship You and live for You this very day. I come today and ask You. Take my heart and make it Your home so I can know You, love You, worship You and live for You this very day. Help me to learn to confess my sins and shortcomings daily to You, asking forgiveness so that I can become a person of true integrity. Help me to love God as Job did and to do what is right and shun evil.
Abba Father, indeed, your ways are mysterious and marvelous, though sometimes we can’t really grasp the marvelous part. There are times when it really feels to us as if you have forgotten to be faithful or, worse yet, you have turned your back on us. Yet, your promise to be with us remains. Help us, we pray, to have confidence in you and your presence, even in the hard times of life. Help us to trust you, to rely on you, to be comforted in you. Lord God, forgiveness is so difficult. I confess my desire for revenge rather than restoration. I confess my feelings of pain and disappointment. I don’t know if I’m ready to forgive, or that I even want to be. Have mercy, Lord. Enter into my life, O Lord, and make it something beautiful and special. Whatever talents I have are Yours. Bless them, that they might produce much, Father. We ask this in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen
I gently formed you in your mother’s womb. God Promises He formed us from conception
For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. – (Psalm 139:13-14)
God is not a cosmic bellboy for whom we can press a button to get things.
Author: Harry Emerson Fosdick
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