May your strength be perfected in my weakness.
Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. Romans 12:18 (NLT)
Dearest loving Abba Father, thank You for Your mighty power at work in my life. I believe that Your floodgates are open, and a flood of Your goodness is wiping out my enemies and clearing the way for victory in every area of my life. I thank You for the flood of victory that is headed my way. I trust that You are the One who will silence my enemies. I set my hope and love on You today and look for Your goodness. Thank you for making me fruitful in this life. Thank you for blessing me and using me for your purposes. Thank you for using even the difficult times of life to shape us and prosper us.
Father, I know that You gave me the Holy Spirit to equip me for Your service. Help me know what my spiritual gifts are. Help me use them so I can do the work You called me to do in the fullness of Your power. Lord, I need to grow in You. Help me today fulfill this desire to become more spiritual. Help me study Your word and talk to You in prayer. I desire more of You and Your word. Feed me I pray. Help me to develop a real Christ centered passion in my heart today for You. May my family join me in developing this passion so that as a family we can together make an impact on the world around us for Your sake. Lord, I pray that you will make me fruitful in all I do for you. When I’m feeling unfruitful, may I turn to you, confessing my discouragement and weakness. May your strength be perfected in my weakness.
Make my words as good as the finest gold, dear Lord. Help me to accept the fact that I am lied to each day, and to forgive those who offer up the lies. Help me to live with a spiritual mindset, to think of what I’m doing in life as an offering to you. May I give to you my very best, and may you delight in my offering. May I reflect your light into my part of the world. May those around me see your light in me. May they be drawn to you, to offer their gifts and, indeed, themselves to you. All praise be to you, Light of the world! To you be all the glory. Amen
I have prepared amazing things for those who love Me. God Promises He Has Great Things Prepared For Us
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” – (1st Corinthians 2:9)
We must not think that [God] takes no notice of us, when He does not answer our wishes: for He has a right to distinguish what we actually need.
Author: John Calvin
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