I receive your hope today

What must I do to be Saved ? - Christian Channel Apps : Apps for Daily Devotional, Verses, Bible reading, Quotes : Best rated Christian Books

Verse of the Day

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.  Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)


Dearest Abba Father, thank You for giving me victory! Thank You for Your Word which is life and healing water to my soul. I choose to set my heart and thoughts on You, knowing that You are empowering me to overcome in every area of my life. Father, I thank You for Your resurrection power at work in my life. Today, I give You my broken dreams, disappointments, failures and setbacks, and I trust that You will breathe Your life into me. I trust that You have a good plan for my future, and You are leading me into total victory.

Father, today, where there is darkness, help me see hope. Where there is pain, help me feel hope. Where there is disappointment, help me realize hope and where there is doubt, fear and anxiety, help me know hope. Father, thank you that you promised that your hope will not disappoint us. I receive your hope today. Lord, help me love others in the same way You have loved me. Help me be open to those that are full of shame and rejection. Help my community of believers be a place where those that are weary and broken can belong.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing me from my spiritual blindness. Help me to return to my daily activities ready to represent You according to Your will. Thank you for the living water you give us through Christ. Thank you for how your water gives us true life, eternal life both now and in the future. Lord, when I am weary and exhausted, help me to drink from your living water. Keep me from trying to stir up life in myself through effort or ingenuity. Help me, rather, to seek the life that really is life, the life you provide through Christ. Thank you for connecting us to Christ by your grace, so that we might bear much fruit. Help us, Lord, to live in Christ so that we might be fruitful at home and at work, in our service and our relationships, in church and throughout the world. Let your fruit grow exceptionally through us, Lord. To you be all the glory! We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Bible Promise of the Day

I began the good work in you and I will finish it. God promises to complete His good work in us

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. – (Philippians 1:6)

Prayer Quote of the day

Remember, Christ’s scholars must study upon their knees.

Author: Charles Spurgeon

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What must I do to be Saved ? - Christian Channel Apps : Apps for Daily Devotional, Verses, Bible reading, Quotes : Best rated Christian Books

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