May all that we do honor you, every day

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Verse of the Day

“O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him.”  Psalms 62:8 (NLT)


Dearest loving Father in heaven, today I choose to have a positive, faith-filled attitude. I choose to bless You and trust You even when things don’t make sense in my natural mind. I know You have a good plan for me and trust that You are working all things out for my go. Thank You for leading me in the way everlasting as I keep my heart and mind on You today. I declare that You are good, and Your mercy endures forever! Have Your way in me by the power of Your Holy Spirit. I honor You today and submit every area of my life to You. Father, You alone are worthy of my praise.

Lord, I come to You today with thanksgiving in my heart and a mouth full of praise! I bless You because You are worthy! Thank You for redeeming my life from the pit. Lord, I receive Your Word today which is life, health and strength to me. I choose to close the door on fear by guarding what I say, what I listen to and what I dwell on. Fill me with Your love and faith as I meditate on Your Word. Father, help me to be honest with You, to remain focused on You, to hear from You. I want to abide in You and have You abide in me. Gracious Lord, I pray that I may not only be known to those who are my own, but may I consider all mankind. May those who need me find me through my gentleness, and may they be assured by quiet confidence and faith.

Abba Father, thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Lord, for sending the Holy Spirit to be my Helper. Thank You for the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit that makes me more Christ-like. Help me to be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Thank You that even when I don’t know how to pray, Your Spirit intercedes for me. Bless You, Lord, for Your deep love and concern for me. Lord, make me aware of Your presence. Help me to see You in all Your power and glory. Help me trust You for everything I do this day. Father, give me the courage to share my faith and proclaim Your transforming power in my life. Bring to me others who have been touched by Your great love. Give us boldness, Lord, to follow you wherever you lead, even and especially when this requires sacrifice and courage. May all that we do honor you, every day. Help me praise You every day. Through the grace of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Bible Promise of the Day

Thousands may fall around you, but you will not be harmed. God Promises He Will Walk With in Trials

A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. – (Psalm 91:7)

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