Only You can be my strength
May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to Him. Hebrews 13:21-22 (NLT)
Dearest Abba Father, today I surrender every difficulty to You. I release the questions, hurts and frustrations. I choose to trust You and do the right thing. Increase Your strength in me so that I can live in the victory You have in store for me. I come to You today giving You all that I am. Thank You for the gift of salvation through Your Son. Jesus, I believe You died and rose for me, and I invite You now to be the Lord of every area of my life. Thank You for setting me up for success in everything I do. I choose to trust and rely on You knowing that Your plans are for my good. I know my best days are ahead of me and look ahead to the blessings You have in store for me. Father, thank You for loving me and orchestrating every detail of my life. Thank You for calling me and giving my life purpose. I choose to shake off the past; I choose to forgive those who have hurt me, and I choose to keep my eyes on You.
Abba Father, I admit how easy it is to take my eyes off of you. How easy to focus on temporal earthly matters and miss what really counts. You are what my heart has been searching for. You are all that I really need and I come now seeking you with my whole heart. Guide me, and lead me to a deeper understanding of your love and grace. Thank You for Your power and majesty. Thank You for Your love for me. Thank You that I can put all my hope, trust and faith in You. And today, I choose to do so. I put my complete faith in You. Almighty God, help me to aspire, that my life may tend toward the ideal. May I be persuaded that I cannot be that which I do not possess, nor can I live in that which I do not know. Help me to put the best in what I do, that I may not feel I have failed, even though it may not seem to be a success.
Lord, I come to You. Only You can be my strength. Only You can give me the grace I need. I look to You dear God for You promised Your grace will be sufficient. Thank You for the simplicity of the salvation that You offer to every person that desires to know You and responds to Your offer. Help many today to respond favorably and not ignore how great a salvation we have when we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Let me follow the giving example of Christ. Make me ready to serve; sharing time, talents, and gifts wherever and whenever possible. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen
My divine power will give you all you need to live a good life. God Promises Us a Good Life in Christ
His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue. – (2nd Peter 1:3)
Give yourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word. If you do not pray, God will probably lay you aside from your ministry, as He did me, to teach you to pray.
Author: Robert Murray McCheyne
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