Thank You for Your provision of salvation
From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ. John 1:16-17 (NLT)
Dearest Abba Yahweh, I choose to put You first place in my life and imitate You. I set aside the things of the world and invite You to search my heart and mind. Give me Your heart of love and teach me to be an example of Your goodness. Lord, today I put my trust and hope in You. I choose to hold my peace knowing that You will fight my battles. Thank You for working all things out for my good. Teach me to be a person of honor. Teach me to be devoted to others in a way that honors You. Fill me with Your love which lasts throughout eternity.
Loving Father, thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You that even when I don’t know how to pray, Your Spirit intercedes for me. Bless You, Lord, for Your deep love and concern for me. I also thank You for Your provision of salvation. I accept this gift and desire to live more for You. I desire to be holy and pray for wisdom and strength to be what You want me to be. Help me today to do all that I can, with Your help, not to blame people for an issue that I have caused. Give me wisdom and the grace that only You can give to live a Christ honoring life in all that I do. Convict me of my sin when I do wrong and help me to do the right thing and seek your forgiveness. Like Paul the Apostle, I want to run the good race and fight the good fight. Make me fit to be a member of Your team, Lord. Inspire me to prepare my spirit to meet all the challenges which might come my way.
Father, I am slipping. Please come to my aid. Catch me, hold me, help me find better footing. I need Your consolation. I need Your never failing love. I need Your help. Guide me, comfort me and rescue me. Lord Jesus, we want to respond to you with full faith and full obedience. We don’t want to hold back out of fear or convenience. If you want us to leave our jobs, then we are prepared to leave them. But we need wisdom, your wisdom, to know how best to think about our work and how best to do it. Help us, Lord. Teach us what it means to follow you in every part of life, including our work. In the name of Jesus’ I pray. Amen
I have inscribed your name on the palms of My hands. God promises He has remembered our names
See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me– (Isaiah 49:16)
I have to hurry all day to get time to pray.
Author: Martin Luther
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