I confess my sin today
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3
Dearest Abba Yahweh, thank You for making me. Lord, I thank You for creating me and instilling value in me. Thank You for equipping me to fulfill my destiny. I receive Your love for me. I receive Your strength and power to be all that You’ve called me to be. Today I choose to focus on what You’ve placed in my hand knowing that as I am faithful to You, You will direct my steps. I bless You and praise You for who You are.
Loving Father, thank You that You have taken such a personal interest in me. I want to know You better. Please be gracious toward me, help me experience Your face shining upon me, and give me peace. Lord Jesus, it is hard for me to believe that You never tire of forgiving me. Help me believe it. You know me, You understand me, and even with all my tendencies, You choose to love me with a never-dying love. Lord, I cannot get my mind around the vastness of Your forgiveness for me. Neither can I fully comprehend forgiving someone as many times as You said.. I confess my sin today. Please forgive me, cleanse me and help me rise in true freedom, forgiveness and joy to serve You.
Lord, Fill my heart with Your compassion. Give me eyes to see what you see in others so I can be more like You. Help me today to learn more about trusting You. In all that I do this day help me to depend on Your leading and not on my own understanding. May each one in my family learn what it means to depend on You. Father, thank you for sending the world exactly what it needed. Though the world did not recognize Jesus as the answer that he is — and continues to be blinded to his saving ways — help me to be a daily witness to his love that satisfies our deepest needs. May the Spirit give me new eyes to see people around me as hungry for a relationship with you. Knowing that you are the Lamb to end all sacrifices, I choose to feast on your loving presence and relish in the fact that you gave your life willingly so that all might come to God through you. I pray in Your Son’s precious name. Amen
I have removed your sins from you as far as the east is from the west. God Promises He Has Removed Our Sins Through Christ
As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. – (Psalm 103:12)
The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, buy unoffered prayer.
Author: F.B. Meyer